9.07 Declaration of Availability
Only employees who restrict to twenty-four (24) or fewer hours per week shall have the option of submitting a declaration of availability. Employees must be available for at least sixteen (16) hours per week. These employees must be available for one closing shift per week AND also have open availability on either Saturday or Sunday. This does not limit the number of weekend and/or late shifts an employee can be available for.
Employees shall be required to work within their declaration of availability and may lose hours as a result. This means if a shift falls outside of an employee’s availability it shall not be subject to claim.
Employees shall have the option of submitting a Declaration of Availability three (3) times per calendar year including any weekly hours of work restrictions under Section 9.06 above.
Employees cannot utilize Leaves provisions (eg. TAB or RTO) to circumvent the intent of this language.
Employees shall not have the option of changing their availability for a period of six (6) months from the date of hire, except students. All students are required to submit a schedule of classes and shall remain available to work when not attending class.
All changes shall be effective the next posted schedule.
Employees shall make their restriction(s) selection(s) and Declaration of Availability on a form provided by the Employer. The form shall be signed by Store Management and the Shop Steward and a copy shall be provided to the union.