Online Courses

UFCW 1518 members and their dependents can access a variety of free online courses through the UFCW Canada webCampus program. Here are some of the courses popular with our members; visit webCampus for an extensive listing of offerings

Internet Safety

The Internet is a great tool and fountain of information, but it can be a dangerous place if you are not careful. There are many reasons that you need to use the highest security measures while on the Internet in order to keep yourself and loved ones safe. It doesn’t matter what age you are, learn what you need to protect yourself, your family and your children from Internet stalkers as well as safeguard your personal information online. Watch a preview of the course. Find more information and register here.

Internet 101

Created for those who want to know just the essentials, this course provides you with enough knowledge to have fun while learning different techniques that will assist you when “surfing the net”. Find more information and register here.

ABC’s of Computing

This course covers the basic concepts of computing, as well as popular applications and typing. Participants will learn about the basic functions of a computer, while gaining a greater knowledge of computer software and hardware. Find more information and register here.

Welcome to UFCW

The union movement is the largest arm of the human rights movement. However, this strength is only realized as members understand their value and worth. This course is designed to provide answers to many of the questions people have about unions and democracy at work. Watch a preview of the course. Find more information and register here.

Fear & Intimidation in the Workplace

A workplace can only remain functional when those who operate within it find a way to respect each other. This course alerts us to what a poisoned work environment consists of, what we can do to combat it, the various ways our dignity is harmed and how it affects all those in the workplace. Find more information and register here.

Advanced Stewarding

Unions couldn’t survive without their stewards: they are our advocates in the workplace. But being a union steward is not an easy job. This course provides you with the tools you will need to listen, communicate, educate, and defend your fellow co-workers in dealing with management and during elections, meetings, and collective bargaining. You will learn to identify and resolve grievances, as well as how to police the collective agreement. Find more information and register here.

Health & Safety Level 1 – Part 2

In the pursuit of a healthier and safer work environment, this course covers topics such as: toxic substances, physical states of matter, sound and vibration, principles of control, and various pieces of legislation. You learn that no risk on the job is acceptable. Find more information and register here.

Health & Safety Level 1 – Part 1

Workers expect to stay alive while earning a living, thus there is a need for health and safety in the workplace: it’s what keeps us safe. This course reviews the reporting of accidents, the long-term effects of exposure, and the impact an accident can have on a worker’s life. Find more information and register here.

Workplace Math Skills

Almost every sector that UFCW Canada members work in – from food retail to health care to warehousing – requires math skills. This course will help you strengthen your math skills and feel more confident in your ability to perform everyday arithmetic. Find more information and register here.

Pharmacy Assistant – Part 2

This course focuses on the areas foundational to everyday work in most pharmacies. You will learn the difference between important versus urgent, effective versus efficient, the importance of priorities, methods of receiving prescriptions, measuring/converting/calculations, directions/dispensing, and the various drug plans that exist. Watch a preview of the course. Find more information and register here.

Pharmacy Assistant – Part 1

The skills required to be an effective Pharmacy Assistant include a basic knowledge of mathematics, computers and reading comprehension. This course introduces you to the code of ethics, the three drug schedules, and the importance of confidentiality. Watch a preview of the course. Find more information and register here.

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